you looking for an exciting, challenging and rewarding opportunity
working with people in the Coventry and Warwickshire area? Then why
not become a volunteer with MACS?
As well as being a great
opportunity for individual development, conflict coaching and
mediation are increasingly recognised as some of the most positive
dispute resolution tools and are widely used in the public and
private sector.
Then contact the service here, please provide a contact name and telephone number.
Want to learn new skills
Have a friendly way with people
Have a good sense of humour
Want to do something that is flexible enough to fit in with your life.
We ask our volunteers to commit for a minimum of two years after completion of the Conflict Transformation Skills Training. There is flexibility to the volunteering hours as some clients are only available during school hours or only evenings so cases can be matched to volunteers’ general availability.
To keep skills current we expect each volunteer to work on a minimum of four cases per year, many choose to do more. Additional relevant training opportunities are provided along with Volunteer Support Group meetings. Our volunteers predominately work on neighbour/community disputes. Our volunteers practice in pairs and give each other constructive feedback after each visit. The service staff are available for supervision, support and debriefing as required.
Email us at Call us on 07594653530
Company No. 5531082 Charity No. 1119338 Registered in England & Wales